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Healthcare & Wellness

Urban Bliss Spa


Healthcare & Wellness

Urban Bliss Spa




URBAN BLISS treatments are uniquely aromatherapy-based, from full body massage to foot massages to our signature therapeutic treatments.

Every treatment involves unadulterated, pure essential oils in quality carrier oils to draw out the benefits of nature’s essences.

All our massage treatments and spa treatments have been carefully curated to enhance the well-being of our clients and our therapists.

We focus on soothing and reviving muscle groups that are overstrained, tensed, and neglected with deep tissue techniques.

Indulge in a luxurious massage today at URBAN BLISS wellness centre for a unique massage experience you won’t soon forget.


URBAN BLISS treatments are uniquely aromatherapy-based, from full body massage to foot massages to our signature therapeutic treatments.

Every treatment involves unadulterated, pure essential oils in quality carrier oils to draw out the benefits of nature’s essences.

All our massage treatments and spa treatments have been carefully curated to enhance the well-being of our clients and our therapists.

We focus on soothing and reviving muscle groups that are overstrained, tensed, and neglected with deep tissue techniques.

Indulge in a luxurious massage today at URBAN BLISS wellness centre for a unique massage experience you won’t soon forget.

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1 Review(s)

sarah azmi

1 year ago