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Government Offices & Agencies

National Water Services Commission (SPAN)


Government Offices & Agencies

National Water Services Commission (SPAN)




National Water Services Commission or Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) acts as the nation's water maestro, orchestrating the smooth flow of this vital resource across Malaysia. SPAN sets the national tune, establishing policies and standards for the water industry, while meticulously monitoring performance and resolving consumer concerns. Their watchful eyes scan every drop, ensuring fair water pricing, sustainable management of resources, and adherence to environmental regulations. Beyond regulation, SPAN empowers communities through education and engagement, fostering a shared responsibility for water conservation and responsible use. 


National Water Services Commission or Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) acts as the nation's water maestro, orchestrating the smooth flow of this vital resource across Malaysia. SPAN sets the national tune, establishing policies and standards for the water industry, while meticulously monitoring performance and resolving consumer concerns. Their watchful eyes scan every drop, ensuring fair water pricing, sustainable management of resources, and adherence to environmental regulations. Beyond regulation, SPAN empowers communities through education and engagement, fostering a shared responsibility for water conservation and responsible use. 

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