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Religious Places

Masjid Al-Ansar Taman Keramat


Religious Places

Masjid Al-Ansar Taman Keramat




The Al-Ansar Mosque was completed in Taman Keramat around 1981. The first Friday prayer has been carried out in this mosque on 25 September 1981.

Blessed Dato' Mufti Negeri Selangor was invited to deliver the first sermon, then lead the Friday prayers. The invited Bilal is the Blessed Dato' Hassan bin Azahari.

In 1991, Al-Ansar Mosque was inaugurated by His Majesty Sultan Saraffudin Abdul Aziz Shah Al Haj on Friday, 17 Rabi'ul Akhir 1412, equivalent to 25 October 1991.


The Al-Ansar Mosque was completed in Taman Keramat around 1981. The first Friday prayer has been carried out in this mosque on 25 September 1981.

Blessed Dato' Mufti Negeri Selangor was invited to deliver the first sermon, then lead the Friday prayers. The invited Bilal is the Blessed Dato' Hassan bin Azahari.

In 1991, Al-Ansar Mosque was inaugurated by His Majesty Sultan Saraffudin Abdul Aziz Shah Al Haj on Friday, 17 Rabi'ul Akhir 1412, equivalent to 25 October 1991.

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